Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Big Thank you to allison who rediscovered this blog! THANK YOU ALLISON!!

Friday, August 3, 2007

i'm not really sure how this works but there should be a picture of lightning here

ha ha ha ha

I am so sneaky! ha ha ha ha. ok enough of the evil laughter. anyway so lightning (or however you spell it) is way cool. i watched it out my window a few nights ago and it shook my house and scared my dog. and then last night there was like this monsoony thing and there was even more lightning and it almost really did hit my house, cause you know how usually there is a space between the flash and the BOOM! well there wasn't. it happened at the same time. cool huh! especially since no one was hurt. except that sometimes it's funny when people get hurt, but not when they die which is what would happen is they got struck by lightning so that wouldn't be a funny kind of hurt. it would be sad. well that's all i got except a really cool tan line!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Crazy, Hazy, Lazy, Days of Summer

Hola my friends,

I just wanted to drop a note to tell you all how wonderful I think you are, and to catch you up a little on what I've been doing all summer so far. I work a lot. That's pretty much it. Good talking to you all.... Ok so in all semi-seriousness, I like my job a lot as well as the people there. I think I am really going to miss this place when I go back to logan in the fall, not that I would ever really consider staying. That right above this text is a picture of my place where I sit. Just try to imagine me sitting behind that counter directing your every need. Life is boring and slow right now, but I'm hoping it will pick up the pace soon. I am incredibly tan as all of you have noticed by now, but it's really not that noticible I don't think, especially since I died and hacked my hair off. And for the offical record, contrary to popular belief at Alisa's Reception, I so do not look like I am from a foreign country or an Indian.

Love you guys,


P.S. I am beyond shocked that Carrie actually remembered to post something, I couldn't be more proud. : )

Monday, May 28, 2007


Hello there,
This is Carrie. Yes Ruth I am actually posting something on the blog. Well this week is crazy!! (I'm going to Italy on Thursday) I've decided I must be a few fries short of a happy meal and I have been frantically packing today. I keep thinking I'm either packing too much or I'm missing something. Life is fantastic and I can't complain too much. Logan is TONS of FUN in the summer. However, I will tear myself away without much resistance to leave this week. I will post pictures when I get back. Until then, pray for I'm really serious.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Hello Again

Hi there guys. I'm not sure if I am the only one that checks this, I hope not, but I just wanted to do a quick update on life and such. So as most of you know I was searching for a job in SLC for the summer and had found an opportunity to work at a call center. Well through a very strange string of quincidences I am no longer doing that for the summer. I am working at Ameriprise Financial, which is a firm that houses financial advisors who help people plan for retirement, pay insurance, etc. It's pretty cool, at least I like it. So yeah that's pretty much it. Oh yeah the picture is of me and Carrie making Bran Muffins at our friend Chris's house on the friday of finals week.

Have a good one ya'll!


Monday, April 30, 2007

Singing in the Rain

Hola Chicas~
This is my first actual post and such. This week has been crazy so far and the sad thing is, it's only Monday. I just got off the phone with the people giving me a job this summer and it looks like I am going to be getting a pretty good one. They aren't sure yet what job, but something good. my major excitement right now, sadly, is that I also just finished buying supplies for the war tonight. Brother Miller our High Councilman told us to prepare for revenge for the impromptu water fight on Saturday so I did, prepare that is. I just bought 13 mini water guns and 250 water balloons. It's going to be beautiful. I fully expect Carrie and Katie to participate, well Katie for sure and Carrie if she isn't to brain dead from studying.

Keep on Keeping on!


I'm Crazy but first

I means besides Ruth and everything else. Anyway, It's finals week! Excitementy galore! but soon it will be summer and I am supper excited. This picture was from Easter when we went to Ruth's place in the mountians. i was cooking MEAT! I was great fun! I think I have a concunsion so just don't worry about it I make no sense. but it was totally worth it! I got almost 12 hours of sleep and I'm still tried, but refreshed.
I hope that you are all great, cause you are!
ps Alisa super exciterment towards you
Courtney you should come back forever!
Carrie you are too smart and beautiful for the average boy.
Liz How's Madison doing, that is still weird to me.
Ruth no words to describe the madness of you
ok love to all

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Keeping in Touch

This is just an attempt for us to stay in touch. It would be great if we could all try to update random stuff about ourselves like once a week, or every other week, something like that. I love you guys tons and this is not going to be actual first post since this is more of an informational type dealio. Have a great week and don't forget to mention something about your week. I gave ya'll info about signing in and posting so there is no excuse. It doesn't have to be a novel (please no) but a short update would be beautiful.

Love ya,












